Charlotte is a marine ecologist who is passionate about sharing her love of the natural world

Charlotte has a passion for our oceans and predators on land and sea that shines through in her presentations. Her teaching experience in evident in her relaxed presenting style. Charlotte has a current Working with Children card and Australian National Police Check.
Charlotte is actively involved in research and outreach and is available to speak on a variety of topics, such as sharks, marine biology, predator ecology, ecosystems and the
day-to-day life of a marine biologist.
Charlotte is active on social media and managed the social media for the 2019 'Marine Science for a Blue Economy', Australian Marine Sciences Association National conference.
Publications and articles
Charlotte actively shares her passion for sharks and our natural world by giving talks and interviews, a selection follows:
Selected Scientific Publications & Reports
- Predicting the future distribution of suitable habitat for pelagic sharks under climate change models (2020) Frontiers in Marine Science
- Shark conservation hindered by lack of habitat protection (2020) Global Ecology and Conservation
- Changing abundances of 36 shark species over two decades. Scientific publication (in preparation)
- Life without a backbone: vertebral structure of 26 elasmobranch species (in preparation)
- Expedition Report for the Pangaea Chagos Initiative (2016) Report to Teach Green and the United Kingdom Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
- A fish-eye view of the importance of sharks in tropical marine ecosystems (2015) Report to Teach Green and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
- Boral Gold Coast Quarry Project Environmental Impact Statement Aquatic Ecology Assessment. Report to Cardno Chenoweth on behalf of Boral.
- Boundary Hill Expansion Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Stygofauna Pilot Study. Report to AECOM on behalf of Anglo American.
Selected Outreach & Media
- Chasing Sharks with Charlotte Birkmanis (2020). YouTube.
- The Australian (2020). Where might sharks be in the future? Publication date TBA
- Zoom into Schools (2020) Chatting to school students about sharks, predators and our oceans (online).
- Meet the Scientist (2020) Presentations to various school and community groups via Predators Matter
- The Post (2020) Deadly octopus found, Newspaper interview.
- Chuo University (2020) Workshop convener and presenter, What sharks do for us.
- Athena SWAN Bronze Award (2020) Young women in STEMM achieving excellence, University of Western Australia.
- World Fringe Festival (2020) Invited special guest speaker.
- ABC Radio: Weekend Breakfast program (2020) Interview ‘What shark is that?’.
- ABC Radio: Weekday Breakfast program (2020) Interview ‘Shark conservation hindered by lack of habitat protection’.
- ABC Radio: Breakfast program (2019) ‘Sharks and marine parks’.
- Tourism Australia (2019) Dreamtime 2019 Mandarin Chinese translator and marine guide.
- UWA News (2019) Naked Scientist comes calling for Charlotte.
- Fremantle College (2019) Sharks and their relatives.
- ABC Radio: Drive program (2019). Live interview with Richard Glover.
- The Conversation (2019). We organised a conference for 570 people without using plastic. Here’s how it went.
- Readers Digest (2019) 11 best places to swim with whale sharks.
- (2019) How we organized a conference for 570 people without using plastic.
- MENAFN (2019) We organized a conference for 570 people without using plastic.
- (2019) Your synthetic fleeces are really bad for the environment.
- 1MW (2019) This association organised a conference without plastic.
- Rockhampton State High School News (2019).
- 1MWIS (2019) One million women in STEM.
- News Corp (2019) Science students get Skype lesson with real bite.
- Expert Connect (2019) Charlotte Birkmanis.
- Australian Marine Sciences Association (2019) Local Organising Committee for 2019 Conference.
- Global Citizen (2019) These Scientists Organized a 570-Person Conference Using Zero Plastic.
- Skype-A-Scientist (2017 - 2019) Presenting predator research to school students globally.
- Chagos Information Portal (2017) Charlotte Birkmanis.
- Biotweeps (2016) Biotweeps is a Twitter account, blog and Facebook page that features a different biologist every week.
- Food Web App (2016) Co-developed an ecology teaching app.
Scientific Presentations
- International Marine Conservation Conference (2020) Sharks and climate change - where will they go?.
- FameLab (2020) British Council.
- University of Western Australia Postgraduate Symposium (2020) Climate change and oceanic sharks.
- Fresh Scientist (2019) Western Australia's Fresh Scientist.
- Australian Society for Fish Biology (2019) Pelagic shark occurrence around Australia: now and in the future.
- UNESCO/IMarEST Marine Studies Awards (2019) Why we need our sharks. Invited speaker, finalist.
- University of Western Australia Postgraduate Symposium (2019) Where Australia’s wild things roam (our oceanic sharks)
- Australian Marine Sciences Association (2019) Shark conservation hindered by lack of habitat protection.
- Meet the Scientist: Ocean Odyssey (2019) Sharks and where to find them. SciTech, Perth.
- University of Western Australia Postgraduate Symposium (2018) Are we protecting Australia’s sharks?
- Australian Marine Sciences Association (2018) Where sharks like to live (Winner: Best Student Talk)
- Oceans Postgraduate Symposium (2017) Impacts of shark removal on the trophic structure of fish communities.
- 24 Hours of Biology (2016) How sharks rule the reef with Charlotte Birkmanis.
- Oceania Chondrichthyan Society (2015) Elasmobranch vertebrae in relation to form and function. Poster presentation.